Open Air Survey Open Air Amherstburg Open Air is the weekly event where streets in the core of Amherstburg are closed at certain times on the weekend to vehicular traffic to allow business to expand their frontage out into the streets and for pedestrians to safely walk between them.Thrive Amherstburg is interested in hearing your feedback about the Open Air weekends in Amherstburg. This feedback will be included in the White Paper that will be presented to Amherstburg Town Council. Did you attend Open Air Amherstburg in either 2020 or 2021?* Did you attend Open Air Amherstburg in either 2020 or 2021?* Yes No Clear selection Open Air Amherstburg Why did you not visit Open Air? (Check all that apply)* Why did you not visit Open Air? (Check all that apply)* Was not aware Not interested Do not live in the area Pandemic related Other: Clear selection Open Air Amherstburg Where are you from?* Where are you from?* Amherstburg Windsor LaSalle Essex Harrow Leamington Other: Clear selection How often did you or do you attend Open Air in Amherstburg?* How often did you or do you attend Open Air in Amherstburg?* Weekly Monthly A Few Times Once Clear selection On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being Exceptional, how do you rate Open Air weekends in Amherstburg?* On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being Exceptional, how do you rate Open Air weekends in Amherstburg?* Poor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Exceptional Clear selection What Open Air activities or events have you taken part in? (Check all that apply)* What Open Air activities or events have you taken part in? (Check all that apply)* Restaurants / Food / Snacks Retail shopping Yoga Live musical performances Play Amherstburg / Kids activities Street games Other: Clear selection Does Open Air influence the amount of time you spend in the downtown area?* Does Open Air influence the amount of time you spend in the downtown area?* I spend less time due to Open Air 1 2 3 4 5 I spend more time due to Open Air Clear selection Transportation/Parking What method of transportation do you use to attend Open Air? (Check all that apply) * What method of transportation do you use to attend Open Air? (Check all that apply) * Car/Motorcycle/Motorized Vehicle Bicycle Walk Clear selection Does the temporary loss of some on-street parking on Richmond, Murray and Dalhousie Streets deter you from attending Open Air or from visiting some of the businesses?* Does the temporary loss of some on-street parking on Richmond, Murray and Dalhousie Streets deter you from attending Open Air or from visiting some of the businesses?* Yes No Clear selection Open Air 2022 Would you like to see Open Air continue in 2022?* Would you like to see Open Air continue in 2022?* Yes No Maybe Clear selection Open Air 2022 If Open Air was to continue in 2022, how could it be improved? (Check all that apply)* If Open Air was to continue in 2022, how could it be improved? (Check all that apply)* More live entertainment Street performers/buskers Add street vendors (small booths) More activities for children Encourage more business involvement/sponsorships Close off more streets Close off less streets Leave it as is Other: Clear selection Would you support additional funding in the 2022 Town of Amherstburg budget to improve entertainment programming during Open Air?* Would you support additional funding in the 2022 Town of Amherstburg budget to improve entertainment programming during Open Air?* Yes No Clear selection Open Air 2022 What additional funding amount would you support for Open Air in the Town of Amherstburg 2022 budget?* What additional funding amount would you support for Open Air in the Town of Amherstburg 2022 budget?* $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 Other: Clear selection Comments Do you have any other comments about Open Air that you'd like to share? Do you have any other comments about Open Air that you'd like to share? Clear selection