
Upcoming Events

Speaker series to resume in early 2022

Past Events

living the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle - Lloyd Alter

The author will share ideas about what the individual person can do to fight climate change. Because the issue is so big and so dangerous we all have to do our part.

Date: October 6, 2021
Time: 6:30PM
Location: Online Zoom Presentation

“Life and Lessons of a City Builder” - Ken Greenberg Author of Walking Home

River Bookshop and THRIVE are pleased to be hosting author Ken Greenberg on August 24 at 6:30 pm   Ken is one of the world’s foremost urban designers.  In his zoom talk he will will share his learning and passion for making communities like Amherstburg  even better. 

Ken’s experience and expertise covers communities of all sizes … from New York City to Prince Albert Saskatchewan. He knows how to capture proven ideas from around the world and adapt them to the community he is focusing on.

Already a number of residents have picked up his book and know that there are many good lessons in it for Amherstburg.

Presenter: Ken Greenberg
Date: August 24, 2021

What is Placemaking?

THRIVE’s Nine Initiatives are Based on Placemaking. Why is it important for Amherstburg? How do we do it successfully?

Presenter: Jim Tischler – Centre for Cities Visiting Fellow & Senior Planner, Development Director Michigan Land Bank
Date: July 28, 2021

Jason Thorne’s Perspective on THRIVE’s Nine Initiatives

Jason Thorne is the Head of Hamilton’s city planning, transportation, and economic development. Under his leadership Hamilton is doing amazing things. Two years ago, on behalf of the Amherstburg Community Foundation, Jason  presented numerous ideas that could be adapted for Amherstburg.  The audience reaction was very positive. This time he is back to critique the nine initiatives THRIVE is championing. Are they good?  Could they be improved upon?  Will they work?  Could they help make Amherstburg be even better?

Presenter: Jason Thorne
Date: July 13, 2021

Why Parks are Important - A Crash Course on Wants, Needs, Design and Demographics

What is the potential for parks in Amherstburg? Impediments for success?

Presenter: THRIVE director Phil Roberts
Date: June 29

Standing up for the right to housing globally and locally: Strategies to Help Us Thrive.

Leilani Farha, Founder of The Shift and former United Nations Special Raporteur on Housing and Fiona Coughlin, CEO of Habitat for Humanity Windsor-Essex, examine the housing crisis from a global and local perspective.

Housing is not a commodity, it’s a human right. Leilani Farha, expands upon the right to housing and the founding beliefs held by those who sign on to “The Shift” movement

With the adoption of the Housing & Homelessness Master Plan, Amherstburg town council, administration, and the community as a whole are accountable for the implementation of the strategies supporting the right to housing locally. Fiona Coughlin discusses the goal to end homelessness in Windsor-Essex within 10 years. Along with strategies and immediate steps that can be taken to move the needle on affordable housing in Amherstburg

Presenters: Habitat for Humanity CEO for Windsor Essex Fiona Coughlin and Leilani Farha human rights lawyer and director of The Shift
Date: June 14, 2021

From Climate Emergency to Action: Strategies to help us thrive

Climate change isn’t just causing the polar ice caps to melt or more frequent, more powerful, hurricanes. It is negatively impacting Essex county right now. Learn more about its impact and what we can do to help fight it. 

Presenter: Claire Sanders – Climate Change Specialist, Essex Region Conservation Authority 
Date: June 2, 2021

Meet your neighbours... the THRIVE board of directors

Various directors will speak to initiatives that personally resonate with them , and they have expertise or experience on the subject

Presenters: THRIVE Board of Directors
Date: May 25, 2021

THRIVE Amherstburg Game Plan

Understand what THRIVE stands for and what it plans to focus on. Were you unable to attend the THRIVE Amherstburg Game Plan/Introduction presentation or interested in watching it again? No problem! The full presentation is now available on our YouTube channel.

Presenters: THRIVE Directors Lauri Brouyette and Richard Peddie
Date: May 17, 2021