
Inspiring a thriving community through creating connections between best practices and good local governance.

Climate Action Plan Phase 2 White Paper

T.H.R.I.V.E is pleased to publish its first White Paper in 2022 and the fourth in our series.  Once again we are championing ideas that address Climate Change because we strongly believe we all have to do our part. 

Electric vehicles (EV) are becoming more popular and future government policies are going to increase their popularity immensely. Currently, Amherstburg has no EV charging stations for public use and that is quickly becoming an issue. Our delegation to Council recommends that the town take advantage of the significant financial incentives the Essex Power Corporation is offering to incentivize communities to install them. 

Read our attached White Paper and then take the short survey via the links below.  We would like to hear your thoughts and we will share them with town council on April 25.

Championing for a Better Amherstburg

THRIVE is a positive voice and a public champion for good leadership and evidence based decision making in Amherstburg. We are a team of people just like you who aspire to become educated in best practices and focused upon always making sound decisions.

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